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The Importance of Soil Fertilizer for the Garden

The Importance of Soil Fertilizer for the Garden


Soil is the habitat of plants. Therefore, the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil influence plant growth. Soil fertilizer plays a vital role in promoting plant growth and ensuring optimal crop yields by improving the physical and chemical properties of soil by improving structure and nutrient cycling. By providing essential nutrients to the soil, fertilizers help plants thrive and develop strong root systems. Understanding why soil fertilizers are needed enables farmers, gardeners, and agricultural enthusiasts to make informed decisions about soil management practices.

Why do You Need Soil Fertilizer?

When crops are harvested, important nutrients are lost from the soil as they follow the crops and end up on the table. If the soil is not replenished with nutrients through fertilization, crop yields will decrease over time.

Take nitrogen, for example: Since plants cannot absorb nitrogen directly from the air, soil is their only way to obtain this important nutrient. If your soil is low in nitrogen, you will need to fertilize to increase nutrient levels.

High concentrations of potassium sources occur deep below the soil surface (usually about a kilometer) and well beyond the reach of plant roots.

Phosphorus is found in some rocks, but for plants to access this nutrient, it must be water-soluble. Proper use of phosphate fertilizer helps plants absorb it through the soil, ensuring high yields and rapid growth.

The International Fertilizer Association (IFA) estimates that 85% of soil worldwide is deficient in nitrogen. 73% of soils are deficient in phosphorus and 55% are deficient in potassium.

vegetable nutrition

Vegetables are known to require 20 essential chemical elements (phytonutrients) for proper growth. These elements can be provided through organic fertilizers or commercial inorganic fertilizers. In addition to nitrogen and phosphorus, most alkaline clay-type soils usually contain sufficient amounts of these elements for vegetable production. In acidic, sandy soils, additions of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sometimes sulfur and boron may be required for successful crop production.

Soil pH

Soil pH represents the hydrogen ion activity of a soil solution or growing medium. This number represents acidity or alkalinity, similar to how heat and cold are represented in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. pH 7 is centered and neutral. Values below 7.0 are acidic and values above 7.0 are alkaline. Use KHUMIC humic acid fertilizer to adjust soil pH. More suitable for plant growth.

Benefits of Using Soil Fertilizers

  • Nutrient supplement: Soil fertilizer is rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are vital for plant growth. These nutrients help plants grow strong roots, lush leaves, and vibrant flowers. Different plants have different nutritional needs, and soil fertilizers can help address any nutrient deficiencies that may occur, preventing problems such as yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or underdeveloped fruit.
  • Soil Health: Fertilizer enriches the soil, improving its structure and fertility. This in turn promotes better water retention, aeration, and microbial activity, creating an ideal environment for plant growth.
  • Promotes plant growth: By providing essential nutrients, soil fertilizers stimulate plant growth, making plants healthier and stronger. This is especially important for flowering plants, fruits, and vegetables.
Features of KHUMIC N+

Types of Soil Fertilizers:

  1. Organic Fertilizers: Organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources such as organic materials such as compost, manure, and weathered lignite extract. They provide slow-release nutrients and help improve soil structure and fertility over time.
  1. Synthetic Fertilizers: Synthetic fertilizers are designed to provide specific ratios of nutrients, providing a combination of multiple nutrients at once. Provides plants with a quick boost of nutrients, but may require careful application to avoid overfertilizing.
  1. Slow-release fertilizers: These fertilizers gradually release nutrients over time, providing a steady supply of nutrients to plants and reducing the risk of nutrient leaching.

Symptoms of Nutritional Deficiencies in Plants

Plants display various symptoms when they are deficient in essential nutrients, and you can apply appropriate fertilizers to address deficiencies and promote the health of your green companions.


1. Nitrogen deficiency:

  • Yellowing of leaves: Older leaves turn yellow while veins remain green.
  • Stunted Growth: Plants may be stunted and unable to reach their full potential.
  • Poor flowering: Reduced flowering and fruiting despite adequate light and water.

2. Phosphorus deficiency:

  • Purple or Reddish Leaves: The leaves may take on a purple or reddish tinge, especially during the early growth stages of the plant.
  • Weak root system: The root system is poorly developed and nutrient absorption is limited.
  • Delayed ripening: The plant grows slowly and matures delayed.

3. Potassium deficiency;

  • Leaf browning: Leaf edges may appear brown or charred.
  • Weak stems: Stems may become brittle and prone to lodging or breaking.
  • Poor fruit quality: Fruit may show signs of poor color and flavor.

4. Iron deficiency:

  • Chlorosis: Young leaves turn yellow between the veins, usually light green or light yellow.
  • Defoliation: Premature leaf loss and an overall decrease in plant vigor.
  • Slow growth: Plants may be stunted and unable to thrive.

5. Zinc deficiency:

  • Leaf distortion: Leaves may appear twisted or spotted.
  • Poor pollination: Reduced fruit set due to impaired pollen viability.
  • Shortened internodes: The shorter distance between leaves along the stem.

5. Manganese deficiency:

  • Interveinal chlorosis: The leaves turn yellow between the veins, leaving only the green veins.
  • Leaf necrosis: Browning and death of leaf tissue starting at the edges.
  • Altered photosynthesis: Decreased photosynthetic efficiency and overall plant energy production.


Soil fertilizer plays a vital role in growing healthy, lush plants. By understanding the importance of soil fertilizer and applying the right fertilizer based on plant deficiency symptoms, you can create an environment in which your plants can thrive.

KHUMIC’s humus fertilizer is rich in balanced nutrients and works quickly. It is a sustainable organic fertilizer that regulates the soil while promoting plant absorption of nutrients.

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  • Is organic fertilizer better than inorganic fertilizer?

    Both organic and inorganic fertilizers have their advantages and limitations. Organic fertilizers improve soil health and provide slow-release nutrients, while inorganic fertilizers provide rapid nutrient absorption. The choice between the two depends on specific needs and preferences.

  • Are soil fertilizers harmful to the environment?

    Improper fertilizer use, such as over-application or runoff, can harm the environment by causing water contamination and damaging ecosystems. Sustainable fertilization practices must be followed, using organic soil fertilizers to minimize environmental impact.

  • What should I do if I see signs of a nutrient deficiency in my plant?

    If your plants are showing signs of a nutrient deficiency, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth, consider getting a soil test to determine the specific nutrient deficiency. Based on the results, you can choose the right soil fertilizer to address fertilizer deficiencies and support plant growth.

  • Are there visual differences between nutrient deficiencies and disease in plants?

    While some symptoms may overlap, nutrient deficiencies tend to affect overall plant color and growth, while diseases may cause specific lesions or spots.

  • How long does it take for plants to show improvement after deficiencies are addressed?

    Plants may show improvement over weeks to months, depending on the severity of the defect and the effectiveness of the remedies taken.

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