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  • Improve soil structure; increase soil buffering capacity.
  • Optimize plants’ absorption of N, P, and K.
  • Neutralize acidic and alkaline soil and adjust soil pH.
  • Stimulate plant growth and improve yield and quality.
  • Reduce nitrate leakage into groundwater and protect groundwater.
  • Improve the effectiveness of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides.
  • Stabilize nitrogen and improve nitrogen efficiency.

What is Khumic-95

KHUMIC-95 is a potassium humate salt extracted from natural high-quality weathered lignite. It contains nutrients potassium and humic acid. Ideal for addition with granular fertilizers such as urea. It has a significant effect on releasing and locking phosphorus from Fe+3 and Al+3 plasma. It can also slowly release nitrogen fertilizer and promote the effect of NPK fertilizer.


Product Code: Khumic-95 (potassium fulvic acid)

Appearance Black PowderlFlakes
Water Solubility 95%
Total Humic Extract (Dry Basis) 65%
Fulvic Acid (Dry Basis) (dry basis) 5%
Potassium (K2O Dry Basis) 8%
Moisture 15%max
PH 8-10

Features and Benefits:

  1. Enhance soil structure, improve soil buffering capacity, and optimize plant nutrient absorption.
  2. Promote plant growth and improve crop quality: Khumic-95 promotes plant growth, increases yields, and improves crop quality by providing essential nutrients in a form that is easily accessible to plants.
  3. Balance soil pH, and neutralize acidity and alkalinity: Khumic-95 effectively neutralizes acidity and alkalinity in soil, with significant effects on alkaline and acidic soils. By adjusting the pH to the optimum range for plant growth, you create a favorable environment for the growth of crops.
  4. Reduce nitrate leaching and protect groundwater: Khumic-95 helps minimize nitrate leaching into groundwater by binding nitrates and retaining them in the root zone. Not only does this preserve valuable nutrients that plants absorb, but it also helps protect drinking water sources.
  5. Improve the efficacy of agrochemicals: Potassium humate enhances the effectiveness of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides while reducing harmful residues. By improving soil health, these improvements create a more favorable environment for agrochemicals to work effectively.
  6. Improve nitrogen stability and efficiency: Humic acid helps improve nitrogen stability and efficiency, making it an ideal additive for urea. Additionally, when combined with DAP/MAP fertilizers, lock-in is reduced, resulting in improved phosphate utilization.
Features of Khumic-95
What is Khumic-95

User Guide:

  • Used as the raw material of granular products.
  • Powder form, applied via root irrigation for crops,10-15kgs/hectare.
How to use potassium fulvicate
Effects of using potassium fulvic acid
Potassium fulvic acid use

Application Fields:

  • Field crops
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Substrates cultivation
  • Hydroponics
  • Turf & Landscaping
  • Seed Treatment


  • 1KG/BAG,5KGS/BAG,10KGS/BAG,20KG/BAG,25kgs/Bag,or, customized packing is available.
humic acid
Khumic-100 loading diagram
Khumic-100 Wholesale

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Khumic-100 Product Picture
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Khumic N+

If you have any needs, please contact us!


contact us

Juyimogen Business Center, No.59 Huayuan Road, Zhengzhou, China

Factory Address:
Naomaohu Industrial Park, Hami City, Xinjiang Province, China.

+86 0371-60992820

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