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  • Suitable for foliar spraying, drip irrigation, flushing, and root leaching.
  • Save labor and time.
  • Good compatibility with chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Improve soil structure and fertility and increase water retention capacity.
  • Stimulate vigorous root growth.
  • Immediately enhance the absorption of nutrients by leaves and roots.
  • Improve the utilization efficiency of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Increase soil pH buffering capacity and CEC cation exchange capacity.
  • Enhance plants’ resistance to diseases, insect pests, cold, and drought.
  • Improve crop quality and yield and extend the harvest period.
  • Increase seed germination rate and promote radicle development.

What is Khumic-KS

KHUMIC-KS is liquid humic acid, fulvic acid fertilizer is a natural plant stimulant based on high-quality natural weathered lignite. 100% water-soluble, good absorption, high in nutrients, quick-acting, adaptable to various water quality and soil, and can be directly absorbed by plants.


Product Code: KHUMIC-KS (liquid humic acid, fulvic acid)

Water-solubility (dry basis)100%
Total Humic & Fulvic Acid  (dry basis)20%min
Potassium (K2O dry basis)3.5%min

Features and Benefits:

  1. Enhance soil structure and nutrient absorption:

    100% water-soluble liquid humic acid and fulvic acid KHUMICKS liquid fertilizer improves soil structure and increases soil buffering capacity. Promote optimal absorption of N, P, K by plants.
    In light sandy soil, it can enhance cation exchange capacity, help retain nutrients and moisture, and enhance the ability of roots to absorb nutrients. In heavy, dense soils, fungi can be partnered to create a breadcrumb structure that enhances water, oxygen, and nutrient uptake, thereby increasing root penetration.

  2. Neutralize acidic and alkaline soil and adjust soil pH:

    Effective in balancing alkaline and acidic soil environments.
    Under alkaline conditions, humic acid can buffer pH, convert nutrients and trace elements into absorbable forms, and promote root absorption.
    In acidic soils, toxins such as aluminum and heavy metals are reduced, and these toxins are firmly bound and fixed by humic acid, thereby reducing their toxicity and releasing the phosphates bound to the aluminum.
    In salinized soils, salts are broken down and chelated by high cation exchange capacities (e.g., calcium, and magnesium). Reduces osmotic pressure in the root zone.

  3. Stimulate plant growth and improve yield and quality:

    Promote seed membrane and metabolic activities and increase germination rate. Improves the ability of roots to absorb nutrients (N, P, K + Fe, Zn, and other trace elements), increasing yield potential by up to 30%. Enhanced cellular assimilation as well as photosynthesis increases the plant’s sugar and vitamin content.

  4. Use liquid potassium humate to protect groundwater:

    Liquid potassium humate KHUMIC KS can reduce nitrate leakage into groundwater and protect groundwater. Humic acid combines with nitrates and retains them around the root zone, which results in better preservation of drinking water.

  5. Enhance the effectiveness of agrochemicals:

    HHUMIC KS liquid humic acid fertilizer improves the effectiveness of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. , and fix or reduce the harmful residues of their chemicals.

  6. Nitrogen stability and efficiency improvement:

    Stabilizes nitrogen and increases nitrogen efficiency (ideal as an additive to urea). Complexes with phosphates reduce lock-in and can be used as a beneficial additive to fertilizers such as DAP/MAP.

Features of Khumic-KS

User Guide:

1. Preventive measures:
    1) Corresponding compatibility tests must be conducted before this product is mixed with other fertilizers and pesticides.
    2) Please dilute this product before use and wait until it is completely dissolved before diluting other products.
    3) Due to the different absorption capacities of crops, the dosage can be adjusted appropriately according to the absorption rules of crops.

2. Instructions for use:
    1) Drip irrigation or flushing: 30 liters-45 liters/hectare, at least 3 times per growth cycle, with an interval of 7-14 days. ;
    2) Foliar spraying: 0.5-1/ha, diluted 500-800 times, spray evenly, spray at least 3 times per growth cycle, interval 7-14 days

3. Storage conditions: 
    Please store in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight and rain.

Using Khumic-KS
Khumic-KS irrigation use
How to use Khumic-KS

Application Fields:

  • Field crops
  • vegetables
  • Fruits
  • substrates cultivation
  • Hydroponics
  • Turf &Landscaping
  • Seed Treatment

Package & Storage:

1L/bottle,10L/bottle, 20L/bottle, 1000L/IBC, or customized packing is available.

K humic-KS barreled
K humic-KS product packaging
K humic-KS delivery picture

Related Products:

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Khumic E+

If you have any needs, please contact us!


contact us

Juyimogen Business Center, No.59 Huayuan Road, Zhengzhou, China

Factory Address:
Naomaohu Industrial Park, Hami City, Xinjiang Province, China.

+86 0371-60992820

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