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How to Use Humic Acid Granules and Increase Yield by 30%

How to Use Humic Acid Granules and Increase Yield by 30%


Are you looking to maximize crop yields and improve plant health? Humic acid granules are your best choice! In this comprehensive guide, you’ll be introduced to the benefits of using humic acid granules, how to apply them effectively, and get the results of a 30% increase in yield.

The Efficacy of Humic Acid Granules

Humic acid granules are natural soil conditioners derived from organic matter such as weathered lignite. It is rich in humus and is essential for enhancing soil fertility, promoting plant growth, and improving soil structure. When applied to soil in granular form, humic acid works wonders:

  • Enhance soil structure and aeration: Humic acid particles enhance soil structure and promote root growth and aeration by increasing soil porosity and water retention.
  • Improves nutrient retention and absorption: Humic acid granules help break down nutrients in the soil, making them easier for plants to absorb. This enhances nutrient absorption and overall plant health.
  • Increase microbial activity: Humic acid granules stimulate beneficial microbial activity in the soil, helping with nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition.
  • pH Balancing: This organic compound helps balance soil pH levels, creating an optimal environment for plant growth and nutrient availability.
  • Stimulates root growth and development: Humic acid has been shown to stimulate root branching and elongation by regulating hormone levels, forming a wider root system. A larger root system allows the plant to obtain water and nutrients more efficiently, thereby enhancing its overall health and vitality.
  • Enhance plant immunity and stress resistance: Humic acid can relieve stress by reducing oxidative stress in plants. It helps plants cope with various stress factors such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures. Enhance its adaptability to challenging growing conditions.
What is Khumic N+

How to Use Humic Acid Granules

To realize the full potential of humic acid granules, it is crucial to use them correctly. Here are some effective techniques to ensure optimal results:

  1. Choose the right product

    Assess the current condition of the soil and the specific needs of the plant. Determine if soil pH needs to be adjusted. Understand the nutrients that the soil and plants are lacking the types of plants being grown and their specific nutritional needs. Because different plants have different nutrient requirements at different growth stages.

    KHUMIC-N+, KHUMIC-E+, and KHUMIC-AG a granular natural soil conditioners, organic chelating agents, and natural plant growth stimulants derived from highly active weathered lignite. Provide organic matter, humic acid, fulvic acid, and organic nitrogen to plants. Suitable for use with granular fertilizers such as urea. Stimulate plant growth, improve yield and quality, and increase yield by up to 30%.What is Khumic-AG

  2. Prepare the soil

    Before application, make sure the soil is fully prepared. Remove weeds or debris and loosen the soil for better absorption. Water well enough to make sure the soil is moist but not waterlogged.Compost fertilizer

  3. Application method of humic acid granules

    Method 1: Soil Incorporation
    Before planting, distribute the granules evenly over the soil surface at the recommended application rate, using a rake or tiller to incorporate the granules into the soil surface. Ensure even coverage of plant roots. Finally, water thoroughly to activate the granules.

    Method 2: Soak the roots in water
    Dissolve granules in water at the recommended dosage. Pour the solution directly into the soil around the plant’s root zone. Can also be used in foliar sprays and irrigation systems.Khumic’s product page

  4. Seed treatment

    For maximum results, coat seeds with a mixture of granular humic acid and water before sowing. This helps initiate germination and early plant growth.

  5. Timing and frequency

    Humic acid granules can be maximized by applying them at planting or early growth stages and every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

    Recommended application rates for humic acid granules vary based on crop type and soil conditions. Consult product after-sales customer service or follow product instructions for best results.

Application of Granular Humic Acid

  • Vegetable Gardens: Add humic acid granules to vegetable garden soil to increase crop yields and improve nutrient absorption.
  • Lawns: Apply humic acid to lawns to promote healthy grass growth, reduce thatch buildup, and enhance soil fertility.
  • Houseplants: Mix humic acid granules into potting soil for indoor and outdoor houseplants to improve root development and overall plant health


The use of granule humic acid has been shown to produce significant results in terms of crop yield and quality. Incorporating humic acid into planting can enhance plant vitality and resilience, improve fruit quality and shelf life, and reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Crop yields can be increased by 15%-30%.


  • How often should I apply humic acid granules?

    It is recommended to apply humic acid granules 2-3 times per year, ideally at the beginning of the growing season and during key growth stages.

  • Are humic acid granules safe to use around pets and children?

    Yes, humic acid granules are typically safe to use around pets and children. However, it is best to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and keep the product out of reach of curious hands and paws.

  • Can humic acid granules be used in hydroponic systems?

    While humic acid is beneficial for soil-based gardening, it may not be suitable for hydroponic systems. Consider using liquid humic acid formulations designed for hydroponic use instead.

  • How long does it take to see results after applying humic acid granules?

    The effects of humic acid granules may vary depending on soil conditions and plant types. In general, you may start noticing improvements in plant health and growth within a few weeks of application.

  • Can I mix humic acid granules with chemical fertilizers?

    Yes, you can mix humic acid granules with chemical fertilizers. However, it is advisable to conduct a small-scale test before applying the mixture to your entire garden to ensure compatibility and effectiveness.

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